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Saturday, 24 October 2015

Php tutorial 1-Arithmetic operations

PHP Tutorials-1-Arithmetic Operations...

For Addition :


echo $num1+$num2;

Output : 22

For subtraction :


echo $num1-$num2;


For Multiplication :



echo $num1*$num2;

Output : 40

For Division :


echo $num1/$num2;

Output : 10

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Php tutorial for Arithmetic operations
Arithmetic operations in php
php tutorial for arithmetic operations

Anna university Hall ticket issue date Nov-Dec-2015

Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu has issued the time table for Undergraduate course (B.E / B.Tech) End Semester Examinations held in November and December months 2015. While the B.E. (Bachelor in Engineering) / B.Tech (Bachelor in Technology) Semester - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Full Time (Regulation 2012) / Part Time (Regulation 2013) exams will be carried out by the Anna University at different exam centers for their students (Who have applied for the BE/BTech exam). The UG End Sem examination 2015 center details will be appeared in student admit card / hall tickets. All the students who have to attend for the above BE Written (Theory) Examination November/ December 2015, you can check the examination schedule and date of issue hall tickets from this article, read more information below.

Date of commencement of the exams hall ticket: 30th October 2015(our expectations)

Hall Tickets for BE (BTECH) Sem Exams November 2015
Anna University, Chennai, T.N. going to be conducting the B.E. Courses Semester Examination on above given dates at respective exam centres for the students. So all the students of Anna University those who are going to appear for the above B.Tech (UG) Exams Nov 2015, you can collect your hall tickets from respective studied college and bring it when you are going to appear for the written exam. The UG hall tickets likely available in the last week of October month 2015.

We update this page soon..
Stay tuned here...

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Anna University Hall ticket issue date
November December 2015 exams hall ticket issue date
November December 2015 exams hall ticket issue date
November December 2015 ug exam hall ticket
November December 2015 ug exam hall ticket
November December 2015 pg exams hall ticket anna university
anna university ug pg November December 2015 hall ticket

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

CS6513 Computer Graphics Lab Exam Question Paper

(06-10-15, 07:52 PM ) 
Anna University

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Fifth Semester

CS6513 Computer Graphics Lab

(Regulation 2013)

University Lab Exam Questions

Semester : 5
Department : CSE
Subject Code : CS6513
Subject Name : Computer Graphics Lab
Type : Question Paper
Edition Details : 2015 Edition (Original Version)
Syllabus Regulation : 2013
Here is the Questions :
1. Write a C program to draw line using Bresenham’s algorithm.

2. Write a C program to draw Circle using Bresenham’s algorithm.

3. Write a C program to draw Ellipse using Bresenham’s algorithm.

4. Write a program to apply scaling and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes .

5. Write a program to apply scaling and shearing to 2-Dimensional shapes .

6. Write a program to apply scaling and translation to 2-Dimensional shapes.

7. Write a program to apply translation and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes.

8. Write a program to apply translation and shearing to 2-Dimensional shapes.

9. Write a program to apply scaling and reflection to 2-Dimensional shapes .

10. Write a program to apply translation and reflection to 2-Dimensional shapes.

11. Write a program to apply rotation and shearing to 2-Dimensional shapes.

12. Write a program to apply rotation and reflection to 2-Dimensional shapes.

13. Write a program to apply composite scaling and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes.

14. Write a program to apply composite translation and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes.

15. Write a program to apply composite translation and scaling to 2-Dimensional shapes.

16. Write a program to clip the lines fallen outside the window using cohen Sutherland line clipping.

17. Write a program to clip the polygon region fallen outside the window using Hodgeman Sutherland polygon clipping algorithm.

18. Write a program to apply scaling and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes .

19. Write a program to apply scaling and translation to 3-Dimensional shapes.

20. Write a program to apply translation and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.

21. Write a program to apply composite scaling and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.

22. Write a program to apply composite translation and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.

23. Write a program to apply composite translation and scaling to 3-Dimensional shapes.

24. Write a program to implement line, circle and ellipse attributes.

25. Write a program to generate fractal images.

All the Best ..!!

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