As per the Anna university CSE department regulation 2013 is given below or you may download is as a pdf or docx by clicking on the link below
Anna University CSE syllabus Semester wise regulation 2013:
Semester 1
(As per Anna University CSE Syllabus Regulation 2013)
1. HS6151 Technical English – I
2. MA6151 Mathematics – I
3. PH6151 Engineering Physics – I
4. CY6151 Engineering Chemistry – I
5. GE6151 Computer Programming
6. GE6152 Engineering Graphics
7. GE6161 Computer Practices Laboratory
8. GE6162 Engineering Practices Laboratory
9. GE6163 Physics and Chemistry Laboratory - I
Semester 2
(As per Anna University CSE Syllabus Regulation 2013)
1. HS6251 Technical English – II
2. MA6251 Mathematics – II
3. PH6251 Engineering Physics – II
4. CY6251 Engineering Chemistry – II
5. CS6201 Digital Principles and System Design
6. CS6202 Programming and Data Structures I
7. GE6262 Physics and Chemistry Laboratory - II
8. CS6211 Digital Laboratory
Second Year Semester 3
(As per Anna University CSE Syllabus Regulation 2013)
1. MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
2. CS6301 Programming and Data Structure II
3. CS6302 Database Management Systems
4. CS6303 Computer Architecture
5. CS6304 Analog and Digital Communication
6. GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
7. CS6311 Programming and Data Structure Laboratory II
8. CS6312 Database Management Systems Laboratory
9. CS6212 Programming and Data Structures Laboratory I
Semester 4
(As per Anna University CSE Syllabus Regulation 2013)
1. MA6453 Probability and Queueing Theory
2. CS6551 Computer Networks
3. CS6401 Operating Systems
4. CS6402 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
5. EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller
6. CS6403 Software Engineering
7. CS6411 Networks Laboratory
8. CS6412 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory
9. CS6413 Operating Systems Laboratory
Third year Semester 5
(As per Anna University CSE Syllabus Regulation 2013)
1. MA6566 Discrete Mathematics
2. CS6501 Internet Programming
3. CS6502 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
4. CS6503 Theory of Computation
5. CS6504 Computer Graphics
6. CS6511 Case Tools Laboratory
7. CS6512 Internet Programming Laboratory
8. CS6513 Computer Graphics Laboratory
Semester 6
(As per Anna University CSE Syllabus Regulation 2013)
1. CS6601 Distributed Systems 3
2. IT6601 Mobile Computing
3. CS6660 Compiler Design
4. IT6502 Digital Signal Processing
5. CS6659 Artificial Intelligence
6. Elective I
7. CS6611 Mobile Application Development Laboratory
8. CS6612 Compiler Laboratory
9. GE6674 Communication and Soft Skills - Laboratory Based
Fourth year Semester 7
(As per Anna University CSE Syllabus Regulation 2013)
1. CS6701 Cryptography and Network Security
2. CS6702 Graph Theory and Applications
3. CS6703 Grid and Cloud Computing
4. CS6704 Resource Management Techniques
5. Elective II
6. Elective III
7. CS6711 Security Laboratory
8. CS6712 Grid and Cloud Computing Laboratory
Semester 8
(As per Anna University CSE Syllabus Regulation 2013)
1. CS6801 Multi – Core Architectures and Programming
2. Elective IV
3. Elective V
4. CS6811 Project Work.