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Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for Computer Applications Practical

Computer Applications Practical

Subject Code : 20001
Lab Exercises:

Introduction- History of Windows- screen saver and monitor resolution – Wallpaper setting- Folder manipulation – properties of a folder – Recycle bin – Short cuts – Sorting Folder – Switching between Application – Copying in CD/DVD settings – Recording Audio files.
1.a. Installing screen saver and change the monitor resolution by 1280X960
b. Setting wall papers
c. Creating, moving, deleting and renaming a folder
d. Copy, paste and cut a folder/file
e. Displaying the properties for a file or folder
2. a. Restoring files and folders from Recycle bin
b. Creating short cuts for folder/file
c. Finding a file or folder by name
d. Selecting and moving two or more files/folders using mouse
e. Sorting folders/files.
3. a. Copying files into CD/DVD
b. Switching between applications
c. Making the taskbar wider and hiding the taskbar
d. Recording and saving an audio file
e. Set/Change the date and time.

Introduction – Menus – Tool bar – Create – Edit – Save – Alignment – Font Size – Formatting – Tables – Fill Colors – Mail Merge – Page Setup - Preview –Water marking – Header – Footer – Clip art.
4. Create the following table and perform the operations given below
Production Summary of various Units in every Quarter
Unit Product - IDJan-MarApr-juneJuly-SeptOct-Dec.
Unit - I562345074125
Unit - II142236126175251
Unit - III2135412166043
Unit - IV125243127250136
Unit - V1431521388045
  • Arrange Unit name as left align and other columns as right align.
  • Use doubled Border to the Summary Title and fill with 15% gray colour.
  • Implement merging and splitting two or more cells
  • Give alternative fore colour for columns.
  • Print the above table.
5. Create a standard covering letter and use mail merge to generate the customized letters for applying to a job in various organizations. Also, create a database and generate labels for the applying organizations.
6. Create a news letter of three pages with two columns text. The first page contains some formatting bullets and numbers. Set the document background colour and add ‘confidential’ as the watermark. Give the document a title which should be displayed in the header. The header/ footer of the first page should be different from other two pages. Also, add author name and date/ time in the header. The footer should have the page number.

Introduction – Menus – Tool bar – Create – Edit – Save – Formatting cells – Chart wizard – Fill Colors – Creating and using formulas – Sorting – Filtering.
7. Create a result sheet containing Candidate's Register No., Name, Marks for six subjects. Calculate the total and result. The result must be calculated as below and failed candidates should be turned to red.
  • Result is Distinction if Total >= 70 %
  • First Class if Total > = 60 % and < 70 %
  • Second Class if Total >= 50 % and < 60 %
  • Pass if Total >= 35 % and < 50 %
  • Fail otherwise
  • Create a separate table based on class by using auto filter feature.
8. Create a table of records with columns as Name and Donation Amount. Donation amount should be formatted with two decimal places. There should be at least twenty records in the table. Create a conditional format to highlight the highest donation with blue colour and lowest donation with red colour. The table should have a heading.
9. Prepare line, bar and pie chart to illustrate the subject wise performance of the class for any one semester.

Introduction – Menus – Tool bar – Create – Edit – Save – Data types – Insert – Delete – Update – View – Sorting and filtering – Queries – Report – Page setup – Print
10. Create Database to maintain at least 10 addresses of your class mates with the following constraints
  • Roll no. should be the primary key.
  • Name should be not null
11. Prepare a payroll for employee database of an organization with the following details: Employee Id, Employee name, Date of Birth, Department and Designation, Date of appointment, Basic pay, Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and other deductions if any. Perform simple queries for different categories.
12. Design a pay slip for a particular employee from the above database.

Introduction – Menus – Tool bar – Create – Edit – Save – Slide transition – Insert image – Hyper link – Slide numbers – View slide show with sound – Photo album – Clip art.
13. Make a marketing presentation of any consumer product with at least 10 slides. Use different customized animation effects on pictures and clip art on any four of the ten slides.
14. Create a Presentation on “Communication Skills” with three different slide transitions with sound effect.
15. Create a photo album in PowerPoint.

Introduction – Browsers – Open a website – Email: Send, receive and delete – Email with Attachments Google docs – Search Engines – Searching topics
16. Create an e-mail id and perform the following
  • Write an e-mail inviting your friends to your Birthday Party.
  • Make your own signature and add it to the e-mail message.
  • Add a word attachment of the venue route
  • Send the e-mail to at least 5 of your friends.
17. Create a presentation on Google docs. Ask your friend to review it and comment on it. Use  “Discussion” option for your discussions on the presentation.
18. Find out the direction and distance about road travel from Delhi to Agra using the Internet search. Also make a report of the Map and other details like place to stay and visit at Agra.

Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for C programming practical

C Programming Practical

"L" Scheme Syllabus - Sub Code: 25236


  1. Write a C Program to calculate Simple and Compound interest
  2. Write a C Program to swap two variables using (i) third variable and (ii) without using a third variable.
  3. Write a C Program to find the largest number between given three numbers.
  4. Program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
  5. Read a string, which consists of both lower case characters and  upper case characters. Convert the lowercase character into upper case and vice versa. Display the new string.
  6. Program to prepare the total marks for N students by reading the Regno,, Name, Mark1 toMark6 by using array of structures. .
  7. Write a function to calculate the sum and average of given three numbers. Write  a main function to call the above function
  8. Using pointers, find the length of the given string.
  9. Write a program to print the address of a variable and increase the content by 5 and print the new value.
  10. Write a Macro in C to swap two data values.
  1. Read an integer number. Find the number of digits and sum of all individual digits and also print the above number in reverse order.
  2. Using Switch… Case Statement, print the given number into equivalent Word. ( For example if the input is 3, then the output should be THREE)
  3. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number (i) Without recursion (ii)With recursion
  4. Write a program to arrange the given N names in alphabetical order.
  5. Write a program to read a string S1 from the terminal. Again read a string S2 from the terminal and check the given string S2 in the string S1. If it does, remove string S2 from the string S1 and print the updated string S1. ( For example S1 = Concatenate and S2 = cat , then the final result should be “Conenate”
  6. Program to read ten values to an array variable. Use pointers to locate and display each value.
  7. Reverse the following using pointers ( i) String ( ii) N integer numbers stored in any array.
Sub Code: 14036
"K" Scheme Lab Exercise:
On completion of the experiment students should be able to write programs in C and execute it.
  1. Program to calculate simple and compound instrest.
  2. Solution of a Quadratic Equation.
  3. Program for Pay bill calculation.
  4. Program to compute sum of series using While loop.
  5. Printing of multiplication table using Do…While loop.
  6. Program to find whether the given number is a positive number, negative number or zero.
  7. Program to sort a list of numbers
  8. Program to sort the strings.
  9. Preparation of the rank list of a class of students.
  10. Program to implement Matrix addition & multiplication.
  11. Program to implement Fibannoci series.
  12. Program to find factorial of given N numbers with out recursion.
  13. Program to find factorial of given N numbers with recursion.
  14. Program to tabulate a survey data.
  15. Program to count number of characters, words & lines in a text.
  16. Program to develop a pattern (eg.: pyramid, square)
  17. write a function to swap the values of to variables to illustrate the concept of pass by reference.
  18. write a program to add five numbers by getting the values through command line argument .
• C Compiler with editor
• Pentium IV Computer 20 Nos

Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for Linux practical

Linux Practical

"L" Scheme syllabus - Sub Code: 25235
  1. Write down the syntax and usage of the following exercise with all options. Check the commands with the system (a) Logon to UNIX and logoff. (b) Usage of directory management commands: ls, cd,pwd, mkdir,rmdir (c) Usage of File Management commands: cat, chmod,cp,mv,rm, more, file commands
  2. Use the general purpose commnds: wc, od, lp, cal , date, who , tty ,ln
  3.  Using the simple filters: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, nl, sort
  4. Advanced filters : Search for a pattern using grep, egrep & fgrep
  5. To know the details of process status- ps command , Process management commands: &, nohup, kill, nice
  6. Communication Commands: news, write, mail, wall, calendar
  7. Device pattern using meta character to match each of the following situation:-
  • All two character filenames.
  • All filenames consisting of two lowercase letters.
  • All filenames ending with c.
  • All filenames beginning with a c and ending with a digit.
  • All filenames beginning with p and having at somewhere.
  1. Write a shell-script that accepts a numerical value N. Then display the decrementing value of N till it reaches 0.
  2. Write a shell-script that takes three command line arguments. The first argument is the name of the destination file and the other two arguments are names of files to be placed in the destination file.
  3. Write a Shell script to print contents of file from given line number to next given number of lines
  4. a)Shell script to say Good morning/Afternoon/Evening as you log in to system b)Write a shell-script that print out date information in this order: time, day of the week, day number, year – that is like this. 13:55:00  IST Sun 9 Jun 1996
  5. Write a shell-script that tells you its name and PID
  6. Develop a Basic math Calculator using case statement
  7. Write a shell-script that takes a login name as a command line argument and reports to you when that person logs in. Have it sent a greeting to that person.
  8. Write a shell-script that takes a command line argument and reports on whether it is a directory, a file or something else.

"K" Scheme - Operating System

Sub Code: 15036
Lab Exercise:
  1. Execute the following commands and write down the results and use of each command : (i) man (ii) cd (iii) cd. (iv) cd.. (v) ls, ls – a (vi) pwd
  2. a)Make your own subdirectories called uni and linu in your home directory. Then delete the sub directory called uni.
    b)Explore the file system, write what is there in /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin/tmp and /boot. Find and list the devices that are available in your system.
  3. a).Create a file called intro.text that contains the word “hello I am the student of computer branch”. Now copy this file and paste to other directory.
    b) Change the permission of the above file to rwxrwxr-x. You can try different possibilities to change its permissions. Find out what are the different commands available that can be used to change the permissions of a file/files.
    c) Display the name of all files in the home directory using find. Can you display the name of all files in the home directory that are bigger than 500 KB.
  4. a).Use finger or who to get a list of users on the machine
    b)Add different users, set their passwords and define permissions. Check whether you are able to change the passwords of all users or not.
    c)Delete the user, which just now you have created.
  5. a).Try to access your account available at a remote machine. Download some file from that machine to your machine.
    b) Create a cron job that sends you a message after every 5 minutes.
    c) Write a message to inform all users that “ they should shut down their machine after completing the lab exercise.
  6. Write and execute the following programs in Linux using Shell script :
    I. Factorial of a given number (ii) Sum of odd / even numbers from M to N
  7. Write and execute the following programs in Linux using Shell script :
    I. To find the greatest of given three numbers.
    II. Find out the maximum and minimum number of the given series
  8. Write and execute the following programs in Linux using Shell script :
    I. To reverse the given string and check whether it is PALINDROME or not.
    II. To find the length of the given string.
  9. Develop a Calculator application using shell script
  10. Implement deadlock Avoidance Algorithm using C language.
  11. Implement multithreading concepts using C language.
  12. Given the list of processes, their CPU burst times and arrival times, display/print the Gant chart for FCFS. Compute and print the average waiting time and average turnaround time. Write a C program for the above task
1. Linux operating system 2. C Compiler with editor
(1) Computer with Pentium IV / Dual core Processors. – 36 Nos
(2) Printer – 3 Nos.

Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for BEEE practical

Electrical And Electronics Engineering Practical

"L" Scheme Syllabus - Sub Code :25234

  1. a. Measure current, voltage and resistance using various test meters Ammeter, Voltmeter and multi meter. b. Checking of Power Supply- SMPS.
  2. Verify Ohm’s Law and Kirchoff’s Laws
  3. To observe waveforms of A.C. Voltage and current on CRO. Determine amplitude and phase and understand the concepts of lagging and leading
  4. To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of single phase transformer by direct loading method.
  5. Draw the forward bias and reverse bias characteristics of a PN Junction diode and determine the forward resistance of the diode
  6. Draw the forward and reverse bias characteristics of a Zener
  7. Draw the characteristics of Common Emitter Configuration and determine its input impedance, output impedance and current gain.
  8. Construct and test full- wave rectifier and bridge rectifier circuit.
  9. Verify truth tables of logic gates using IC 7404, 7408, 7432, 7402, 7400,7486
  10. Verify De-Morgan’s Theorems.
  11. Construct Half adder and full adder circuits using ICs and verify their truth table
  12. Construct Half subtractor and full sub tractor using ICs and verify their truth table
  13. Verify the operation of a multiplexer and de-multiplexer using IC’s
  14. Implement and Test RS, JK, T and D flip-flops.
  15. Construct and test 4-bit ripple counter and observe the output waveform
  16. Construct and test synchronous counter and observe the output waveform.
  17. Construct and test 4-bit shift registers
"K" Scheme Lab Exercise:
  1. Test the value of the resistance by using
    (i) Analog and Digital multimeter
    (ii) Color coding with and without tolerance value.
  2. a)Measure current, voltage and resistance using Various test meters – Ammeter, Voltmeter and multi meter.
    b)Generate AC and DC signals using signal generator and power supply.
  3. Verify Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s law.
  4. Draw the forward bias characteristics of a PN Junction diode and determine the forward resistance of the diode.
  5. Draw the reverse bias characteristics of a Zener diode.
  6. Draw the characteristics of Common Emitter Configuration and determine its input impedance, output impedance and current gain.
  7. Construct the following circuits using Op-Amp IC 741
    (i) Inverting Amplifier
    (ii) Non – inverting Amplifier
    (iii) Adder
    (iv) Subtractor.
  8. Construct and test half - wave and full - wave rectifier circuits.
  9. Verify truth tables of logic gates using IC 7404, 7408, 7432, 7402, 7400 and 7486.
  10. Realize the logic gates using Universal gates.
  11. Realize the circuit to simplify the logic equation by using karnaugh map.
  12. Verify De-Morgan’s Theorems.
  13. Construct Half adder and full adder circuits using ICs and verify their truth table.
  14. Construct Half subtractor and full subtractor circuits using ICs and verify their truth table.
  15. Verify the operation of a multiplexer and de-multiplexer using IC’s
  16. Verify the operation of a decoder and encoder circuits.
  17. Implement and Test RS, JK, T and D flip-flops.
  18. Construct and test 4-bit ripple counter and observe the output waveform.
  19. Construct and test asynchronous decade counter and observe the output waveform.
  20. Construct and test 4-bit shift registers.
Equipments/Components Required


Sno.Name of the equipmentsRangeRequired Nos.
1Digital Multimeter6
2Ammeter(0-50) mA6
3Voltmeter(0-20) V,
30 MHz
Power supply0-30V6
5Digital Trainer Kit6
6Bread Board6
7Fixed dual power Supply0-15 V2
8Signal generator1 MHz2
9CRO Dual Trace30 MHz6


SnoName of the components
1Resistors150Ω, 1KΩ, 2.2KΩ,10KΩ,2 20Ω
2Capacitor10μF, 4.7μF
3PN DiodeIN4007
4Zener DiodeZ11.1
6IC7400, IC7402, IC7404, IC7408, IC7432, IC7486
10IC7476 (Flip-Flop)
11IC74194 (Shift Register)
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