Linux Practical
"L" Scheme syllabus - Sub Code: 25235
- Write down the syntax and usage of the following exercise with all options. Check the commands with the system (a) Logon to UNIX and logoff. (b) Usage of directory management commands: ls, cd,pwd, mkdir,rmdir (c) Usage of File Management commands: cat, chmod,cp,mv,rm, more, file commands
- Use the general purpose commnds: wc, od, lp, cal , date, who , tty ,ln
- Using the simple filters: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, nl, sort
- Advanced filters : Search for a pattern using grep, egrep & fgrep
- To know the details of process status- ps command , Process management commands: &, nohup, kill, nice
- Communication Commands: news, write, mail, wall, calendar
- Device pattern using meta character to match each of the following situation:-
- All two character filenames.
- All filenames consisting of two lowercase letters.
- All filenames ending with c.
- All filenames beginning with a c and ending with a digit.
- All filenames beginning with p and having at somewhere.
- Write a shell-script that accepts a numerical value N. Then display the decrementing value of N till it reaches 0.
- Write a shell-script that takes three command line arguments. The first argument is the name of the destination file and the other two arguments are names of files to be placed in the destination file.
- Write a Shell script to print contents of file from given line number to next given number of lines
- a)Shell script to say Good morning/Afternoon/Evening as you log in to system b)Write a shell-script that print out date information in this order: time, day of the week, day number, year – that is like this. 13:55:00 IST Sun 9 Jun 1996
- Write a shell-script that tells you its name and PID
- Develop a Basic math Calculator using case statement
- Write a shell-script that takes a login name as a command line argument and reports to you when that person logs in. Have it sent a greeting to that person.
- Write a shell-script that takes a command line argument and reports on whether it is a directory, a file or something else.
"K" Scheme - Operating System
Sub Code: 15036- Execute the following commands and write down the results and use of each command : (i) man (ii) cd (iii) cd. (iv) cd.. (v) ls, ls – a (vi) pwd
- a)Make your own subdirectories called uni and linu in your home directory. Then delete the sub directory called uni.
b)Explore the file system, write what is there in /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin/tmp and /boot. Find and list the devices that are available in your system. - a).Create a file called intro.text that contains the word “hello I am the student of computer branch”. Now copy this file and paste to other directory.
b) Change the permission of the above file to rwxrwxr-x. You can try different possibilities to change its permissions. Find out what are the different commands available that can be used to change the permissions of a file/files.
c) Display the name of all files in the home directory using find. Can you display the name of all files in the home directory that are bigger than 500 KB. - a).Use finger or who to get a list of users on the machine
b)Add different users, set their passwords and define permissions. Check whether you are able to change the passwords of all users or not.
c)Delete the user, which just now you have created. - a).Try to access your account available at a remote machine. Download some file from that machine to your machine.
b) Create a cron job that sends you a message after every 5 minutes.
c) Write a message to inform all users that “ they should shut down their machine after completing the lab exercise. - Write and execute the following programs in Linux using Shell script :
I. Factorial of a given number (ii) Sum of odd / even numbers from M to N - Write and execute the following programs in Linux using Shell script :
I. To find the greatest of given three numbers.
II. Find out the maximum and minimum number of the given series - Write and execute the following programs in Linux using Shell script :
I. To reverse the given string and check whether it is PALINDROME or not.
II. To find the length of the given string. - Develop a Calculator application using shell script
- Implement deadlock Avoidance Algorithm using C language.
- Implement multithreading concepts using C language.
- Given the list of processes, their CPU burst times and arrival times, display/print the Gant chart for FCFS. Compute and print the average waiting time and average turnaround time. Write a C program for the above task
1. Linux operating system 2. C Compiler with editor
(1) Computer with Pentium IV / Dual core Processors. – 36 Nos
(2) Printer – 3 Nos.
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