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Tuesday, 6 October 2015

CS6513 Computer Graphics Lab Exam Question Paper

(06-10-15, 07:52 PM ) 
Anna University

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Fifth Semester

CS6513 Computer Graphics Lab

(Regulation 2013)

University Lab Exam Questions

Semester : 5
Department : CSE
Subject Code : CS6513
Subject Name : Computer Graphics Lab
Type : Question Paper
Edition Details : 2015 Edition (Original Version)
Syllabus Regulation : 2013
Here is the Questions :
1. Write a C program to draw line using Bresenham’s algorithm.

2. Write a C program to draw Circle using Bresenham’s algorithm.

3. Write a C program to draw Ellipse using Bresenham’s algorithm.

4. Write a program to apply scaling and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes .

5. Write a program to apply scaling and shearing to 2-Dimensional shapes .

6. Write a program to apply scaling and translation to 2-Dimensional shapes.

7. Write a program to apply translation and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes.

8. Write a program to apply translation and shearing to 2-Dimensional shapes.

9. Write a program to apply scaling and reflection to 2-Dimensional shapes .

10. Write a program to apply translation and reflection to 2-Dimensional shapes.

11. Write a program to apply rotation and shearing to 2-Dimensional shapes.

12. Write a program to apply rotation and reflection to 2-Dimensional shapes.

13. Write a program to apply composite scaling and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes.

14. Write a program to apply composite translation and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes.

15. Write a program to apply composite translation and scaling to 2-Dimensional shapes.

16. Write a program to clip the lines fallen outside the window using cohen Sutherland line clipping.

17. Write a program to clip the polygon region fallen outside the window using Hodgeman Sutherland polygon clipping algorithm.

18. Write a program to apply scaling and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes .

19. Write a program to apply scaling and translation to 3-Dimensional shapes.

20. Write a program to apply translation and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.

21. Write a program to apply composite scaling and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.

22. Write a program to apply composite translation and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.

23. Write a program to apply composite translation and scaling to 3-Dimensional shapes.

24. Write a program to implement line, circle and ellipse attributes.

25. Write a program to generate fractal images.

All the Best ..!!

CS6513 Computer Graphics Lab VIVA Questions

(06-10-2015, 07:50 PM ) 
Anna University

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Fifth Semester

CS6513 Computer Graphics

(Regulation 2013)

Semester : 5
Department : CSE
Subject Code : CS6513
Subject Name : Computer Graphics Lab
Type : VIVA Questions
Edition Details : 2015 New Edition (Original Version)
Syllabus Regulation : 2013

Content :

1. What is OpenGL?

2. What are OpenGL utilities and Libraries?
3. What is the use of glut.h?

4. What is the method generation of sierpinski gasket?

5. Write the code to generate the sierpinski gasket in a 2D co-ordinate system.

6. Differentiate additive color model from subtractive color model

7. What are the two classes of primitives openGL supports?

8. What is opengl interface?

9. List out different opengl primitives, giving examples.

10. What are different opengi frames?

11. Define the following 2 dimensional transformations

      1) translation 2)rotation 3)scaling 4)reflection

12. What are the basic transformations in 3D?

13. What is concatenation?

14. What are the advantages of quaternion?

15. What is projection normalization?

16. Explain with the help of opengl functions perspective and parallel viewing opengl?

17. What is gluLookAt() function?

18. What are different types of light sources support by opengl?

19. What is aliasing?

20. What are four major tasks in a pipeline implementation?

21. What is Cohen Sutherland line clipping?

22. What do you understand by clipping?

23. What is Z-buffer algorithm for removing hidden faces?

24. What are orthographic projections? When do we need them?

25. What is a aliasing? Explain different methods of minimizing its effect?

26. What is polygon clipping?

27. What. is windowing and clipping?

28. List the advantages of interactive Graphics.

29. What do you mean by composite transformation? How it is useful?
All the Best ..!!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Web Portal will be opened for Registration of subjects

Anna University Nov./Dec. 2015 Examinations Subjects Registration    Controller of Examinations Anna University Chennai - 600 025 Anna University, Chennai - 25 Registration of subjects - Nov./Dec. 2015 Examinations - Reg  During the last semester examinations, we had faced a few inconveniences in the Registration Process that caused further difficulties in the examination process. In this regard, you are requested to pay utmost attention for the Registration.  • Registration is Mandatory for all the candidates (for all the semesters). • You are requested to strictly follow the "Most Important Instructions" given in the COE's Letter (Lr. No. COE/PA/2015, dated 23.07.2015)which is available in Web Portal. • Wrong registration must be unregistered by means of unregisteration request through Web Portal only. • For those students the elective details have not been uploaded till now should do the same immediately. Otherwise, for such students Registration Preview will not be generated [Please Contact Phone Nos. 044 - 22357272/ 7302/ 7303/ 7307 for further queries]. • For those Readmitted and Transferred candidates additional subjects should be added first In the II ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS" Registration Menu, then take the Registration Preview. • Web Portal will be opened for Registration of subjects only during 30.09.2015 - 15.10.2015 [there will not be any extension under any circumstances]..

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

April / May 2015 Exam Review Results

Anna University , Chennai
Controller of Examination
April / May 2015 Exam Review Results

Kind Attention to the Institutions:- Review Results(UG/PG/PHD) for Apr./May. 2015 Examination have Published. Candidates can check their Review Results from the below link.

COE Link : coe1.annauniv.edu

Anna University Nov / Dec 2015 Examination Fees - Pay Online

Payment of examination fees Nov / Dec  2015  UG / PG (Full Time / Part   Time) Regular / Arrear are as follows.
CEG / ACT / MIT / SAP Campus
UG / PG (Full Time / Part Time) - Regular / Arrear Examination fees
Examination Fees Through online payment  (Without fine) 23 .09.2015  (Wednesday) to 02.10.2015 ( Friday)             
Last date for with fine of Rs.200/- 05.10.2015 (Monday)

All students MUST pay the Examination fee through ONLINE PAYMENT ONLY  - AUPaG (Anna University Payment Gateway)

Note :
1. The Arrear examination for the UG (Full Time) Regulation 2002/2004/2008 will be conducted in Equivalent subjects in Regulations 2012.

2. The Arrear examinations for the UG (Part Time) Regulation 2005/2009 will be conducted in Equivalent subjects in Regulations 2013.

3. For Non Equivalent subjects Examination time table will be intimated shortly.

4. Students under NRI / Foreign National Quota must also pay their arrear examinations fee through online, before the last date

Procedure for Paying Examinations fee through online :
Step 1 : Go to Anna University website in ACOE website.(Google Chrome is the preferred browser but all latest browsers are supported)

Step 2: Select (Click) “Examination Fee Payment Nov / Dec  2015  ”.

Step 3 : Enter the Registration Number and Date of Birth in the login form and Press Login button.  The respective student’s particulars (Arrear / Regular ) will be displayed on the  webpage. If all the shown information is correct then press “Confirm” button.

Step 4 : On confirmation, the user will be requested to select a mode of Payment and details on the webpage and proceed to the respective bank’s website for payment (enter the login name, password and proceed).

Step 5 : On successful completion of the transaction, the candidate can take a receipt.

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