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Friday, 21 November 2014

Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for RDBMS Practical

RDBMS Laboratory

"L" Scheme - Sub Code: 25256
1 Create a table “Customer” with the following fields: Id, Company name, Last name, First name, Address, City, State, Pin code and Perform the following operations
  • Find the customer who does not have last name.
  • Change the pin code of any customer
  • Insert new record into the table
  • Update the field’s First name and Last name into Name.
2. Implement the following Transaction Control Statements a. Commit b. Rollback c. Save point
3. Create a table client master with the following fields client_no, name, address 1, address2, city, state, pincode, remarks, bal due with suitable data types. Create another table supplier table from client
master. Select all the fields and rename client no with supplier no and name with supplier name.
  • Insert data into client master.
  • Insert data into suppliermaster from client master.
  • Delete the selected row in the client master.
4. Create a table to show the salary details of the employees and perform the following operations
  • Create an updatable view to modify and display the details of the employees for the above table.
  • Grant select and update privileges on above table to other users.
  • Grant all the privileges to some other users.
  • Revoke all the above granted permissions.
5. Create two tables “Item details” with the fields of Item id,, Order Id, Part Id, Quantity, Total and Create a another table “Order Details: with the fields of Order id, Customer id, Order Date and
Perform the following operations
  • Create the view that calculates the total for all the items in each order
  • Create view to join order and corresponding line item information from the above two tables.
6. Create a table student with their elective paper as one field.
  • Create another table staff with the subject names they have handled and number of times handled.
  • Construct a English sentence to display the rows in the staff table.
  • Use sub-queries to display the information about student's name and staff names where both have same subject names.
  • Display the subject name, staff names where same subject is handled by more than one staff.
  • Display the student, subject name where the subject is not at all handled any staff in the staff table.
7. Create two tables ”Department” and “Staff Details”. Apply a Master Transaction relationship between them.
8. Create a table sales_order with s_order_no and product_no as primary key. Set other fields to store client number, delivery address, delivery date, order status.
  • Add a new column for storing salesman number using ALTER command.
  • Set the s_order_no as foreign key as column constraint
  • Set the s_order_no as foreign key as table constraint
  • Enforce the integrity rules using CHECK.
  1. Create a table 'master_book' to contain the information of magazine code, magazine name, publisher, Weekly/biweekly/monthly, price. Write PL/SQL block to perform insert, update, delete operations on the above table.
  2. Create a table to store the salary details of the employees in a company. Declare the cursor id to contain employee number, employee name and net salary. Use cursor to update the employee
  3. Create a table to store the salary details of the employees in a company. Declare the cursor to contain Employee number, Employee name and Net salary. Use cursor to update update the employee salaries.
  4. Write a PL/SQL trigger to update the records while deleting the one record in another table.
  5. Create a table to contain phone number, user name, address of the phone user. Write a function to search for a address using phone number.
  6. Create a table 'stock' to contains the itemcode, itemname, current stock, date of last purchase. Write a stored procedure to seek for an item using itemcode and delete it, if the date of last purchase is before one year from the current date. If not, update the current stock.
  7. Write a PL/SQL block to handle built-in exception like No_DATA_FOUND and TOO_MANY_ROWS.
  8. Write a PL/SQL block to create and handle any two user defined exception.
Maximum 4 Students in a batch
Using any front end tool develop an application involving minimum 2 – 4 tables. Include the coding and output screens in the lab record.


"K" Scheme - LAB Manual

Sub Code: 15055
Lab exercise:
  1. Execute and test all the SQL Editor commands.
  2. Work with the following conditions: Column formatting, alias and Column ordering.
  3. Use indexing on a table –simple and compound indexes.
  4. Work with the different categories of functions such as Math, Date, Aggregate and Conversion functions.
  5. a) Create a table to show the salary details of the employees.
    b) Grant select and update privileges on above table to other users.
    c) Grant all the privileges to some other users.
    d) Revoke all the above granted permissions.
  6. a) Create a table student_master with the following field’s name, Regno, dept and year with suitable data types. Use Select command to do the following.
    b) Select the student's name column
    c) Display the unique rows
    d) Sort the table in alphabetical order
    c) Display the rows of the table in the sales order date wise,
    e) Select all the students of a particular department.
  7. a) Create a table sales_order with s_order_no and product_no as primary key. Set other fields to store client number, delivery address, delivery date, order status.
    b) Add a new column for storing salesman number using ALTER command.
    c) Set the s_order_no as foreign key as column constraint
    d) Set the s_order_no as foreign key as table constraint
  8. Develop a Visual Basic Application with suitable Labels & TextBoxes for the columns of a Table . Add Command Buttons to perform the following: Display Records, Previous, Next, First and Last. Use the ODBC driver to connect the Application with the oracle
  9. Develop a Visual Basic Form with suitable Labels & TextBoxes for the columns of a Table . Add Command Buttons to perform the following: Insert record, Delete record, Update record, Locate Record
  10. a) Create a table student with their elective paper as one field.
    b) create another table staff with the subject names they have handled and number of times handled.
    c) Construct a English sentence to display the rows in the staff table.
    d) Use sub-queries to display the information about student's name and staff names where both have same subject names.
    e) Display the subject name, staff names where same subject is handled by more than one staff.
    f) Display the student, subject name where the subject is not at all handled any staff in the staff table.
  11. a) Create a sales_order table and client_master table with suitable fields.
    b) Find the total number of quantity ordered for a particular product.
    c) Display the rows of the table in the sales order date wise,
    d) Join the two tables and display the product number, product name, where the order_no in the sales_order table and order_no in client_master are equal.
    e) Join the sales_order table to itself and display the order number, client number and salesman number where client has been serviced by more than one salesman.
  12. a) Create table sales_order_details with the s_order_no as primary key and with the profit_percent, sell_price, supplier_name
    b) Select each row and compute sell_price*.50 and sell_price *1.50 for each row selected.
    d) Select product_no, profit_percent, sell_price where profit_per is not between 10 and 20 both inclusive.
    e) Select product_no, description. profit_percent, sell_price where profit_percent is not between 20 and 30.
    f) Select the supplier_name and product_no where suppliemame has 'r' or 'h' as second character.
  13. a) Create a table client_master with the following fields client_no, name, address 1 , address2,city, state, pincode, remarks, bal_due with suitable data types. Create another table supplier_table from client_master. Select all the fields andrename client_no with supplier_no and name with supplier_name.
    b) Insert data into client_master.
    c) Insert data into supplier_master from client_master.
    d) Delete the selected row in the client_master.
  14. Write a PL/SQL code to display the employee details for an employee.
  15. Write a PL/SQL code to calculate EB bill for the given units using if statement.
  16.  Write a PL/SQL block to handle built-in exception like No_DATA_FOUND,TOO_MANY_ROWS.
  17. Write a PL/SQL block to create and handle user defined exception.
  18. Write a PL/SQL block to use procedure and function and get the result.
  19. Write a PL/SQL trigger to update the records while deleting the one record in another table.
  20. Create a table to store the salary details of the employees in a company. Declare the cursor id to contain employee ber, employee name and net salary. Use cursor to num update the employee salaries.
  1. A Server with Oracle 8i or higher (Oracle 10g is preferred)
  2. 36 computers networked and configured with TCP/IP.
  1. SQL *PLUS
  2. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for Web Programming Practical

Web Programming Practical

"L" Scheme - Sub Code: 15255

  1. Design a HTML page describing your profile in one paragraph. Design in such a way that it has a heading, a horizontal rule, three links and your photo. Also, write three HTML documents for the links.Include facilities for forward, backward and HOME.
  2. Design a HTML page about computer languages. List the language. Each Language’s name is a link. Prepare separate HTML documents for each language and call them in the appropriate link.
  3. Design a single page website for your polytechnic containing a description of the courses offered. It should also contain some general information about the college such as its history, the campus, its unique features and so on. The site should be colored and each section should have a different color.
  4. Make out a brief bio-data of yours and code it as an HTML page. You can consider using tables to show your academic history.
  5. Write a program using CSS to create a time table for the class.
  6. Write a program using CSS to set the background colors, fonts and paragraphs
  7. a)Write a Java script code that converts the entered text to uppercase b)Write a Javascript code to validate the username and password. The username and password are stored in variables.
  8. Write a Java Script code using frames and Events ( When a cursor moves over an object it should display the specification of the object in another frame )
  9. Create a site containing banner advertisement at the top of the page. The ads are changed every 10 or 15 seconds.
  1. Collect the definitions of 5 items in Open Source. These definitions are stored in two string arrays name[] and defn[]. Write a JSP which has these two arrays and supplies the definition on request.
  2. Write a HTML document which gets the user input of the name of the item and sends the request to the JSP.
  3. Write a JSP code to manipulate cookies.
  4. Write a JSP code to upload data from client side.
  5. Create a JSP application using image map to give information about the institution
  6. Write a program to check how many users have visited a website. Use Application object.
  7. Write a Code in Java Script to count number of times you move over a link or record.
  8. Write a program to check whether a person will be permitted to open a particular page or not. Use permission checker component.
  9. Develop a simple Hello World application using AJAX Develop an AJAX application to get the server date time from a JSP page using AJAX.
  10. Develop a html search page using Ajax functionality and a server side script that returns results based on search criteria. Develop a html search page containing a textbox for taking search string as input from the user and get the results from the server using Ajax functionality, and display them on the page.
Maximum 2 Students in a batch
Design a static web site having a minimum of 6 web pages using all the html features studied. Include the coding and output of the above mini project in the lab record.


"K" Scheme - Lab Manual

Sub Code: 15045
Lab Exercise:
  1. Design a HTML page describing your profile in one paragraph. Design in such a way that it has a heading, a horizontal rule, three links and your photo. Also, write three HTML documents for the links. Include facilities for forward, backward and HOME.
  2. Design a HTML page about your friends. List your friends. Each friend’s name is a link. Prepare separate HTML documents for each friend and call them in the appropriate link.
  3. Design a single page website for your polytechnic containing a description of the courses offered. It should also contain some general information about the university such as its history, the campus, its unique features and so on. The site should be colored and each section should have a different color.
  4. a.) Create a web page that provides links to five different websites.
    b.) Design a web page that has 5 equal columns. The table should look the same in all screen resolutions.
  5. Make out a brief bio-data of yours and code it as an HTML page. You can consider using tables to show your academic history.
  6. a.) Write a Java script code that converts the entered text to uppercase
    b.) Write a Javascript code to validate the username and password. The username and password are stored in variables.
  7. Write a Java Script code using frames and Events ( When a cursor moves over an object it should display the specification of the object in another frame
  8. a.) Write Javascript function that finds the maximum of three given numbers.
    b.) Write HTML document with Javascript to count the number of vowels in a text typed in a TextArea..
  9. Create a site containing banner ads at the top of the page. The ads are changed every 10 or 15 seconds.
  10. Collect the definitions of 10 items in chemistry. These definitions are stored in two string arrays name[] and defn[]. Write a JSP which has these two arrays and supplies the definition on request. Write a HTML document which gets the user input of the name of the item and sends the request to the JSP.
  11. Write a JSP code to manipulate cookies.
  12. Write a JSP code to upload data from client side.
  13. Create a JSP application using image map to give information about the institution.
  14. Write a program to create the chatting application using Application and Session object.
  15. Write a program to check how many users have visited a website. Use Application object.
  16. Write a Code in Java Script to count number of times you move over a link
  17. Write a program to check whether a person will be permitted to open a particular page or not. Use permission checker component.
  18. Write a program for incorporating entities in to XML document using internal DTD.
  19. Write a program using CSS to create a time table for the class.
  20. Write a program using CSS to set the background colors, fonts and paragraphs.
REQUIREMENTS:Software: (i) Notepad or any one Editor (ii) Web Browser (Internet Explorer or any one web browser) (iii) Apache Tomcat 4.0.x or JRun 3.x
• Computer with Pentium IV / Dual core Processors – 36 Nos
• Printers - 6 Nos

Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for Communication Lab Practical

Communication and Life Skills Practical

Sub Code: 20002
  1. Vocabulary enrichment: recording important words and terminology alphabetically connected to the concerned department – playing antakshari.
  2. Introducing oneself: using greeting phrases – opening and closing with courteous notes – supplying personal information.
  3. Introducing others: using greeting phrases – opening and closing with courteous notes – with information.
  4. Welcome address, vote of thanks and compering a program: keeping notes – and personal information of the dignitaries – concerned.
  5. Making an Oral Presentation: Preparing the presentation - Talking about people, animals and places – Keywords technique and the rehearsal – Presentation outline – Performing the presentation – answering the questions.
  6. Oral description: a picture from an English magazine – a visual ad – a natural scene.
  7. Auditory/Oral comprehension – small passage – small dialogue -very short story – note - taking skill.
  8. News Caption: giving caption for a news item from an English daily.
  1. Dialogue: preparing and performing - Meeting people, exchanging greetings and taking leave – Giving instructions and seeking clarifications – Thanking someone and responding to thanks - minimum seven exchanges including the courteous openings and closings – ten common contexts.
  2. Telephonic dialogue: telephonic etiquette - Answering the telephone and asking for someone – Dealing with a wrong number – Taking and leaving messages – Making enquiries on the phoneordering for supply-bookings and arrangements-handling the complaints – calling for appointment.
  1. Group Discussion - Taking part in a Group Discussion – focus on team spirit.
  2. Interview - Frequently asked questions in an interview – Mock interview - Body language.
  3. Resume Writing – components.
  1. Preparing for and dealing with change.
  2. Motivation, goal-setting and self-esteem.
  3. Teamwork skills.
  4. Emotional intelligence skills
  5. Career planning.
  6. Assertive Skills.
  7. Interview skills.
References :-
  1. Malcolm Goodale, Professional Presentations with VCD, Cambridge University Press
  2. B.Jean Naterop and Rod Revell, Telephoning in English with 2 Audio CDs Cambridge University Press
  3. Priyadarshi Patnaik, Group Discussion and Interview Skills with VCD, Cambridge University Press
  4. Kamalesh Sadanand and Susheela Punitha, Spoken English: A Foundation Course for Speakers of Tamil, Orient BlackSwan.
  5. S. P. Dhanavel, English and Soft Skills, Orient BlackSwan
  6. Robert Sherfield and et al, Developing Soft Skills, Pearson Education.
  7. Poly Skills: A course in communication skills and Life skills, Cambridge University Press.
  8. English and Communication Skills for Students of science and Engineering by S.P.Dhanavel , Orient BlackSwan.
  9. Speak Well, edited by Kandula Nirupa Rani, Jayashree and Indira,OrientBlackSwan.
  10. Fifty ways to improve your telephoning and teleconferencing Skills by Ken Taylor Time management

Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for Data structures usinng C Practical

Data Structures Using C Practical

"L" Scheme - Subject Code : 25245

Lab Exercise:
  1. Write a program in ‘C’ to insert, delete an element from an array of elements. Also print the position of a particular element
  2. Write a program in ‘C’ to merge two sorted array elements into a single array
  3. Write a program in ‘C’ to create a two dimensional array with at least ten elements. Search for a particular element and print its position and address of the element.
  4. Write a program in ‘C’ to perform operations in stack by using array.
  5. Write a program in ‘C’ to convert an infix expression into postfix expression.
  6. Write a program in ‘C’ to evaluate a postfix expression.
  7. Write a program in ‘C’ to create a queue containing ten elements and perform delete and insert operations using array.
  8. Write a program in ‘C’ to create a singly linked list containing at least five elements. Make necessary assumptions.
  9. Write a program in ‘C’ to delete the first node that contains an integer data item of a single linked list.
  10. Write a program in ‘C’ to create and display the contents of a doubly linked list.
  11. Write a program in ‘C’ to create a binary tree.
  12. Write a program in ‘C’ for pre-order traversal of a binary tree.
  13. Write a program in ‘C’ for binary searching
  14. Write a program in ‘C’ to sort ‘N’ Numbers using Insertion sort.
  15. Write a program in ‘C’ to sort ‘N’ Numbers using bubble sort.

Diplomo computer Lab syllabus for JAVA Practical

Java Programming Practical

"L" Scheme - Sub Code: 25245
  1. Write a program to print the individual digits of given 3-digit number.
  2. Write a program that asks the user to enter two integers, obtains the numbers from the user, and then prints the larger number followed by the words "is larger." If the numbers are equal, print the message “These numbers are equal.”
  3. Write a program to find the three digit Armstrong numbers.
  4. Write a program to read N numbers and find the largest and smallest numbers.
  5. Write a program in Java to create a String object. Initialize this object with your name. Find the length of your name using the appropriate String method. Find whether the character ‘a’ is in your name or not; if yes find the number of times ‘a’ appears in your name. Print locations of occurrences of ‘a’.
  6. Write a program to display total marks of 5 students using student class. Given the following attributes: Regno(int), Name(string), Marks in three subjects(Integer Array), Total (int).
  7. Write a program to show how a class implements two interfaces.
  8. Write a Java program to create your own exception subclass that throws exception if the sum of two integers is greater than 99.
  9. Write a program to create a text file using Byte stream classes
  10. Write a program to copy a file to another file.
1. Write a program that accepts a shopping list of four items from the command line and stores them in a vector. Write a Menu based Program to perform the following operations using vector
  • To add an item at a specific location in the list.
  • To delete an item in the list.
  • To print the contents of the vector.
  • To delete all elements
  • To add an item at the end of the vector
2. a) Create a StringBuffer object and illustrate how to append characters. Display the capacity and length of the string buffer.
    b) Create a StringBuffer object and illustrate how to insert characters at the beginning.
    c)  Create a StringBuffer object and illustrate the operations of the append() and reverse() methods.
  3. Write a program in Java with class Rectangle with the data fields width, length, area and colour. The length, width and area are of double type and colour is of string type. The methods are get_length(), get_width(), get_colour() and find_area(). Create two objects of Rectangle and compare their area and colour. If the area and colour both are the same for the objects then display “ Matching Rectangles”, otherwise display “ Non-matching Rectangle”.
  4. Create a class to represent complex numbers. A complex number has the form real part + i * imaginary part. Provide constructor to enable an object of this class to be initialized when it is declared. Provide a no-argument constructor with default value in case no initializes are provided. Provide public methods for the following:
  • Addition of two complex numbers
  • Subtraction of two complex numbers
  • Printing complex numbers in the form (a,b) where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part. (Pass objects as arguments)
  5. Write a program to create a player class. Inherit the classes Cricket_player, Football_player and Hockey_player from player class.
  6. Write a program to create a package for Book details giving Book Name, Author Name, Price, Year of Publishing.
  7. A color can be created by specifying the red, green, blue values as integer parameters to the constructor of class Color. The values range from 0 to 255. Provide three horizontal scroll bars and ask the user to select  the values of the colors by dragging the thumb in the scroll bar. Using the color selected, draw a rectangle.
  8. Create an applet for simple calculator to perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division using Button, label and Text field classes.
  9. Draw a bar chart for the following details using Applets.
  10. Write a Java program for generating two threads, one for printing even numbers and other for printing odd numbers.

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